It is a plant found in tropical and subtropical regions in the world. Blackjack is scientifically known as Bidens pilosa. It is considered as unwanted plant because it grows densely and quickly. The plant has small yellow and white flowers, it's fruit is hairy and black with small black seeds. It has stiff bristles that stick easily to clothes or animals' fur.

However, according to Zambia Agri-business society ( the following are some of the health benefits of blackjack;

Prevents diabetes. Blackjack is rich in

fibre and antioxidants that makes insulin efficient in the body hence controlling blood sugars.

Belly fat reduction and cardiovascular

health. The fibre present in blackjack lowers bad cholesterol and also increases good cholesterol. Therefore, the balance of choline in the body boosts heart health and hence, prevents heart attack and stroke.

Natural mouthwash. The plant contains

antiseptic properties in its extract. The extract can be used as a natural mouthwash to remove odour causing germs along with sore gums and mouth.

Wound treatment. The sap from crushed

fresh leaves of the plant are used to speed up blood clotting in fresh wounds.

Deworming. The plant is used to make

herbal tea that is taken as a treatment for worms and flatulence.

Gastritis and ulcers. It acts as atonic in

prevention of Gastritis and ulcers, diarrhea and ulcerative colitis.

Healthy digestion. The fibre present helps

in easing constipation. It stimulates digestive muscles movement and the way they work and thus, prevents acid reflux, bloating, and other digestive disorders.

Nantongo shakirah

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