According to high top poultry. Com, for one to increase the daily egg production in the flocks, you should think of having a clear knowledge on production capabilities of your flocks. Additionally, you should know how many eggs your flock produces and factors that are affecting the egg production rate. Also, identify the laying hens as early as possible. 
To ensure that your hen produce more eggs, check out the tips below;
Provide balanced feeds to the hens. Provide your flock with a balanced diet to keep their body mechanisms functioning properly. Everyday, supply nutritious rice units, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. It is essential to provide them with 16-18% protein and 3% calcium with their everyday food to keep them strong and for a strong egg shell for laying hens. Moreover, supply them with fresh and clean water because not only the body needs it but also half of egg volume consists of water.
Clean the coops. Avoid crowding and keep the environment as clean as possible. Use an automatic manure cleaning system to help you make the poultry cage clean.
Provide nest boxes. You need to persuade the hens to lay eggs where you want. You can even buy the easy to clean nest boxes from any poultry farm supply. Place the nest boxes 2 feet from the ground and keep the layer soft. This will help you get clean eggs and be easy to collect. Always know the time when to collect the eggs since some chickens have a habit of egg eating, especially the hungry hens. Therefore, you should pick the eggs before they are eaten.
Set an artificial light source. For maximum egg production, 14 hours of light is needed because light is another factor that controls egg production. Absence of light can reduce egg production. 
Clean the eggs. Collecting eggs frequently, dry, clean, uncovered coops and bird nest boxes will last a long time keeping your bird's eggs clean. If the eggs are found with a dirt, you can use these methods;
Dry clean the eggs with the help of fine grit sandpaper.
You can use weight washing but do it gently to avoid bacteria being sucked into the eggs.
Don't store the eggs with odorous foods.
Otherwise, if the eggs are found clean don't wash them again because it will remove the invisible protective layer.
By Nantongo shakirah 
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